11 avril 2010

a day in the sun

Ended a work-filled week by going to Arcachon yesterday, a small town on the southwest coast of France where many Bordelais (and other tourists too of course) go to take advantage of the gorgeous beaches.

The weather was beautiful and just warm enough, and there was no better feeling than just sitting on the beach watching the waves and eating a giant ice cream cone (and drinking Orangina, evidently).

dress - Zara

We arrived pretty early in the morning when the beach was still fairly empty, but by midday the place was crowded with people. Next time I come (and I definitely want to come back at least once before I leave), I'm definitely going to try to come on a weekday. The architecture there is absolutely stunning, and we got lost in the residential area of the town from wandering around just gawking at all the beautiful houses. I took so many pictures of them, but I could probably get sued or something for posting them up so I won't!

And now I'm back to reality and sitting here in my pigsty of a room with piles of clothing everywhere (half the time I'm not even sure whether something is clean or needs to be washed), and I meant to wake up early this morning to get laundry done but after having to wake up ridiculously early yesterday to catch the train (already a feat I didn't think I'd accomplish), waking up early on a Sunday was predictably unlikely.

8 commentaires:

  1. Gorgeous photos, as usual. I love your dress and that ice cream looks sooo good. xxx

  2. awww what lovely photos!
    that ice cream one is my favourite
    and your dress suits you so well :) xx

  3. That dress is well nice! And I say this every comnment I make but your photography is so, so amazing.
    Sounds like a lovely day though, and don't feel bad for having a lay-in, at least you won't have to have a nap later because you're tired ;) xx

  4. Ohhh, this looks like such a perfect day, I'm so jealous you're on a beach...

    tweet tweet tweet


  5. That looks like a really nice day! Cute dress

  6. that looks so beautiful and you're wearing a nice dress!

  7. Cute dress! You look adorable! Oh and thank you so much for your comment! Really appreciate it! :D

    xx Emi

